I have to say, 2012 has been a pretty good year. Other than the obvious, losing 100lbs, which I am, of course, insanely grateful for (that’s a lot of commas but I think they were grammatically necessary, right?) I am most grateful for a drama-free year. I mean seriously. I can’t think of one majorly dramatic moment all year.
All of our bills got paid, neither my husband nor I got sick, injured, or died. We went to the beach four times (twice with my family), granted it wasn’t Costa Rica like I had hoped, but it was the beach nonetheless. I spent a week in WV with one of my besties and her family (I did sprain my ankle there…but I survived) and spent a week in San Francisco with my other bestie. My dad came to visit twice and my FIL came once, too. It was an amazing year for just being with those I love.
Our house is still standing, in fact, we even made a couple improvements, our cars are both running and we’re getting closer to being debt-free. I can honestly say that I have NOTHING to complain about. This is not meant to brag- I’ve certainly had my fair share of rough patches and will likely have more in the future but for now, I’m going to focus on being grateful for an easy 2012!
2013 starts tomorrow and I can’t wait to see what’s in store. As of right now, the only plans that have been made are a work trip in January, a friend’s visit in May (hopefully) a trip to WV in June AND July, and a trip to MN for my brother’s wedding in October. I’m hoping to get to AZ and Southern CA this year too. (I gotta start saving my pennies!) Oh, wait! I’m a dork…How could I forget? I am doing my first SPARTAN RACE in March and my first TRIATHLON in October! I’d say those are pretty fricken major, too! Oh and I’ve also been thinking of getting certified as a personal trainer and nutrition coach so I can learn more and help more and share more and do more. School scares the sh!t out of me but I think I’m ready for the challenge. I didn’t realize just how much I had planned for 2013 until now. 2013, is going to be KICK-ASS!
I’m also SUPER excited about I’mperfect Life! I’m working hard to make something BIG of it! I feel so compelled to help people and change lives, not because I’m an expert but because I’ve experienced it and I want everyone to feel what it feels like to be HEALTHY and truly HAPPY! I’mperfection is the absolute best feeling in the world!
I can’t wait to see where things are a year from now. If 2012 is any indication of what 2013 will be like then I can’t wait!
Bring it 2013! I’m ready for you!
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