If you’re worried about holiday stress and potential weight gain, I got you covered!
There are three simple steps for combating both, but as with all things, simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy. Let’s start with how it happens…
Physically: It’s colder. We’re more sedentary. The to-do list is long. We’re surrounded by our favorite comfort foods and holiday traditions, plus alcohol!
Mentally: It’s colder. We try to bite off more than we can chew. We get distracted by sparkly things…and yummy food, and cozy blankets.
Emotionally: It’s colder. We find ourselves stressed, disappointed, and sometimes depressed. Reaching for comfort foods and then wishing we hadn’t.
It’s not all doom and gloom by any means, but unfortunately the most “wonderful time of the year” can easily get over-shadowed by all of the stuff we try to cram into a few short weeks.
Are you a huge fan of the holiday season?
Does it energize you and bring out your inner Martha Stewart (Is Martha still relevant? I’m terrible with pop-culture.) Are you pinning all the recipes, craft, and decorating ideas? AND making them happen? Are you the one hosting all of the parties, giving the best gifts, watching all the Hallmark movies, and singing carols everywhere you go?
Or do you dread the holiday season?
Does it feel daunting, only adding to the list of responsibilities and obligations already on your plate? Creating financial strain, family stress, and maybe even some disappointment?
Maybe you’re like me and feel a little bit of both!
You start out strong, with excitement and high expectations. Pin ALL of the ideas with good intentions. Make lots of plans to do ALL of the things and hope maybe this year everyone will get along, and all things will be merry.
Then by December 20th you’re holiday’ed out and ready to get back to some sense of normalcy, but there’s still at least 11 days left in “the season” so you have to push through, hoping to make it to January first without going broke, eating all of the cookies, or drinking too much mulled wine. Good grief!
I know how it is! I’ve been there!
Obstacles and challenges such as: family stuff, festivities, financial constraints, work demands, time management, and potential disappointment when our cinematic expectations aren’t met.
Many of us love the holiday season but most of us still deal with added stress and unwanted weight gain thanks to all of the events, added responsibilities, less self-care, and so. much. good. food.
Over the last few years I’ve learned that it is possible to enjoy the holidays, stress-free, and without gaining weight.
- Set realistic expectations.
- Be honest with yourself about your schedule and your budget. Time and money won’t magically appear, especially this time of year.
- Remember that your crazy family is still your crazy family, even at the holidays.
- Unless you are super determined and exhibit extreme amounts of self-control, avoid restrictive diets to avoid potential perceived failure.
- Keep your “pinning” (on Pinterest) reasonable. (Refer back to #1.)
- Create boundaries for yourself (and others).
- Create an overall holiday budget to include gifts, events, family photos, travel, pop-up meals with friends, parties you plan to host, etc.
- Set limits for extra stuff. All of your normal, everyday responsibilities still exist.
- Remember to say “no.”
- Maintain your diet and exercise routine as much as possible as part of self-care. Make it a priority.
- Have a plan in place to combat the obstacles and challenges that
maywill appear along the way.- Identify how you want to handle functions that revolve around festive food and drinks.
- Create a plan for dealing with family stresses. You know your family and issues that may arise. When possible, be proactive in dealing with them and be prepared should there be any surprises.
- Make list of all the people for whom you want to buy gifts, set a budget, and stick to it. Don’t forget shipping!
- Make individual budgets for other things like events, travel, holiday cards, (and stamps), family photos (matching outfits?) extra meals with friends, meals on the run, parties you plan to host, crafts you want to do, decorations you want to buy, etc. (it adds up fast!)
- Keep a calendar with events you’d like to attend, highlight the ones that are priorities and allow the others to work their way in or out as time permits.
- Follow through! The toughest part, by far, but easier when you also do number 5!
- BONUS: Have a support system in place to help you stay accountable to yourself and others!
You’ve got this and I’m here to help!
Check out I’mperfect Life EVOLve and get the guidance, love, support and accountability you need to survive the holidays! <3
When we live our best, happy, healthy, I’mperfect Life, we are able to live FREE from the dreaded wagon, loving ourselves and our bodies from the inside-out…and experience all there is to ENJOY about the holidays without guilt, remorse, regret or shame.
I want to help you truly enjoy this time of year, without unnecessary stress, feeling overwhelmed, under-nourished (literally and figuratively), financially drained, and like you need to “start over” or “get back on the wagon” come January 1st.