It’s been a while since I wrote an update so I thought I’d go ahead and do that now since there has been some exciting stuff happening here at I’mperfect Life! September 1st was my 36th birthday (Happy Birthday to me!) and it was a start to a wild month!
First of all, I’ve launched my I’mperfect Life Coaching website. YAY! I have yet to promote it as there has been so much going on and things I need to do in order to feel ready to go full-force but it’s there and ready when I am— which will be soon, so keep an eye out for it!
I guess now is a good time to mention that I am officially a certified personal trainer- perhaps that should have been update number one! Yes, it’s true! I completed all my course work, passed the 200 question exam, the essay portion and practical. Which means I am now an AFPA Certified Personal Trainer, ready to help you meet your goals! Whoop whoop!
Check it out!
Secondly, I revamped the I’mperfect Life website a bit. It’s not THAT much different, just a little spiffier on the home page with a few new pages thrown in to help define what I’mperfect Life is all about. What do you think? I love it and hope you do too!
Third, I’ve completed a few more races, putting me at 17 so far for 2013 which means I’ve exceeded my goal of 13 in 13 for the Dirt In Your Skirt Challenge. Whop Bam! And I still have a couple more this year. Two of those races took place last weekend. One was a mud run/OCR that I did with some new friends who had never run an OCR before.
We had a great time and got REALLY dirty. The only suck-ass part? The M. Effers at the race took down the finish line before we got there and then when I told them that I thought it was “shitty” and they “should have a sweeper go through the course to make sure everyone is off before shutting down” one of the guys picked a fight with me! Unacceptable! I was PISSED! I will never do a Mud Bug Run again! Period.
The other race last weekend was my second Ramblin’ Rose Triathlon. I was SO tired! It had been a rough couple of days leading up to that race. We were told that my dog’s left eye had to come out (he had his right eye removed back in July) and then two nights before the race my 18 year old cat became, what appeared to be, paralyzed in his hind quarters– after an emergency trip to the vet Saturday morning he made a miraculous recovery and we’re left to assume that he just jealous of all the money we were spending on vet bills for Joe Dog and wanted to get in on the action. Fricken animals…man I love them! Anyway, the Tri went much better than I’d expected.
I ended up finishing in 1 hour and 13 minutes- 3 minutes faster than my time in the Winston Salem race and this one had a 25 yard longer swim AND l mile longer bike ride! Go me! Plus I had a little goggle debacle when I jumped in the pool (I forgot to put them over my EYES!) which slowed me down significantly. I made up the difference in time on a faster bike ride and RUN! YES! I RAN faster! Say what?!
In addition to all of this stuff, there was an article about me in the Charlotte Observer on September 15th– FRONT PAGE! So freaking awesome! AND I am going to be doing two segments on Charlotte Today this coming Tuesday! How cool is that?!
I’ve lost 1.2 pounds this month, which actually comes as a surprise considering the last couple of weeks. I have eaten SO poorly and haven’t been to the gym since last Sunday’s race. It’s been an “off” couple of weeks. I think I might have ulcer which has caused me to eat more carbs that I usually do and I had a few splurges that went a little overboard…which are probably what caused the stomach issues in the first place. I also think that my brain and body just needed a little rest after several months of going non-stop. I have no regrets about the last week but I am ready to get back at it and I am looking forward to seeing all my Crossfit friends in class tomorrow. Yay!
That’s it for now. Sorry for being such a slacker in the blog department. It’s been a busy month with lots of ups and downs.
I’m ready to kick October’s ass!