1)  Be able to do an unassisted pull-up
2)  Be able to do 10 unassisted pull-ups in a row
3)  Run a nine minute mile
4)  Run a 30 minute 5k (this is not that impressive but with as much as I hate running and how little I actually do it, this will be a great feat)
5)  Box Jump 20″ repeatedly
6)  Sprint 100m in 25 seconds (I’m at 30 seconds now with a turnaround at 50m- 20 seconds seems unrealistic, but 25 seconds should be doable)
7)  Climb a damned rope!
8)  Master double unders
9)  Do three REAL handstand pushups in a row
10) Compete in one Crossfit competition

Last but not least: Get my level 1 Crossfit Certification so I can help others achieve their goals too!

I just noticed that none of my goals include increasing weight in any of my lifts.  That will happen naturally anyway, but it’s interesting to me that I seem to be more focused on skills than weight.  I’m okay with that.

Here is a picture of my first handstand push up.  By the end of 2014, those pads protecting my head and keeping me from getting all the way down will be gone and I will be able to do the “real deal” because I am awesome.



3/1- Got pistol squats!  They weren’t on the original list but should have been, I guess.  They weren’t even on my radar and then BAM!  Done!

4/1- Competed in the Unite Open (a scaled version of the Crossfit Open) Got my competitive juices flowing. I see more in my future!