I sold my old bike today. It was a bit emotional as it was my first investment in my weight loss journey. I bought it in 2010 more than a year before my gastric bypass surgery and though I didn’t ride it as much as I had planned when I bought it, it still symbolized my desire to change and a first big step in accomplishing that.
As I’m planning to do a triathlon sprint this fall I realized that I was going to have to upgrade to a bike with better capabilities for speed and hills. I did some shopping around and finally found the bike I wanted but it was a little expensive so I decided if I wanted to move forward I was going to have to sell the bike that was near and dear to my heart. When I first posted it on craigslist I felt sad, like I was getting rid of a pet or saying goodbye to an old friend. But today, as I drove away from my bike having sold it to a nice girl who will put it to good use, I reminded myself that I was one step closer to my goal. I sold my bike and will soon have a new, improved, triathlon-capable bicycle…and I can’t wait! I still have a couple (hundred) dollars to save before making my new purchase but as soon as I win the body-fat challenge at my gym that bike will be mine…ALL mine!
To celebrate I stopped by Marshall’s on my way home to pick up a new pair of weightlifting gloves…when I came across lots of other goodies that are (totally) necessary for the other part of my triathlon training…running gear!
I start Couch to 5k training on Tuesday with a local running group and I couldn’t be more excited! I WILL run! For real. No more running for me! Sometime between now and 10 weeks from now, I will run like a real runner…or at least close enough.
After that…SWIMMING! Which will, of course, require another new wardrobe and accessories, like a good pair of goggles! I thought that when I lost weight I’d want to buy new, cute clothes. As it turns out, the more weight I lose the more I’d rather shop for fitness gear than a new pair of jeans. Who’d a thought?!
Bring it, Triathlon! BRING. IT!