This is My Body. It is Mine.

The I’mperfect Life Body-Love Manifesto

 My body is where I live. 

It is my home for life, no matter where I am. It is mine, all mine. No one in the world can take it from me or call it their own. It works hard for me every day. Without my body, I wouldn’t be alive. 

 My body is an amazing machine. 

It is made up of approximately 36 trillion cells, all working together to survive. It may get sick, injured, or even damaged, but I know it’s always doing its best to keep me alive. If something isn’t “right” I seek medical attention. I am committed to fighting for answers and seeking solutions if my concerns are dismissed. 

 My body is not my enemy. 

It is a living, breathing, aging, ever-changing specimen that is worthy of my love, time, patience and effort. I will not fight with it, but I will fight for it no matter the number on the scale or the size of my jeans. 

 My body is dependent on me. 

It needs me to take care of it, so it can take care of me. I must make sure it gets fresh air, plenty of water, nutritious food, enough rest, and movement to keep it strong and capable of allowing me to live the life I want to live.  

 My body is made up of genes that I cannot control. 

It was created by generations that came before me. I cannot change my body’s genetic make-up, but I can choose how I respond to it. I accept the challenges that are out of my control and am proactive in managing the things I can. 

 I am me: I will not compare myself, or my body, to others. 

There is only one of me. No one else in this world has the same combination of ingredients that make me, me. No one has the same DNA, same lived experiences, the same thoughts or feelings. 

 I am not my body: It has no bearing on my value or self-worth. 

It is a collection of cells that build my bones, blood, and organs. Cells that are constantly regenerating so I can go on living. It does not define who I am; it is simply the container that holds all of my parts. 

 My body is a part of me: It is not all of me. 

It is the vessel that lets me move through life. It allows me to experience my environment and connect with others through sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound. My body allows me to go places, do things, and show others love through my actions and my words. 

 My body is my most valuable possession.  

Not because it’s perfect, but because without it, I wouldn’t be alive. It fights for me and the life I live every single day. It will continue to fight until it can’t anymore.  I will do the same for it. 

 I promise… 

I will be kind to my body. 

I will take care of my body. 

I will use it to live a full life. 

I will not be ashamed of my body. 

I will use my body to connect with others. 

I will not disparage or deprecate it. 

I will forgive my body when it lets me down. 

I will celebrate it for keeping me alive. 

I will honor it. 

I will appreciate it.  

I will do all of this because my body deserves to be loved by me. 

Today and every day, I am choosing to love this body of mine. 

PS: If you struggle with body dysmorphia and/or an eating/exercise disorder, and/or have considered self-harm, please honor yourself and your body by seeking help from a therapist who specializes in these very serious conditions. You and your body deserve it.

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