Yes, you read that right, I am quitting CrossFit. Now please don’t freak out.
I’m sure this comes as a huge surprise considering I JUST posted this article about how I wasn’t going to quit but sometimes I change my mind. This is one of those times. So there.
This has been a very tough decision for me but once I finally made it (by not renewing my membership this month) I felt like a weight had been lifted and after I hit publish on this post I know I will feel even better.
CrossFit has been good to me. All of it. The box I’ve attended for the past two years, the people I’ve trained with, my coaches and mentors…and you. CrossFit was the first form of fitness that I have ever stuck with longer than two weeks and it literally (not figuratively) changed my life. The programming, my coaches, and fellow athletes all helped me become the person I am today, physically, mentally and emotionally. I am forever grateful for my CrossFit experience, for the friendships I’ve made and the love I have found for myself, but it’s time for me to move on.
The last several months have been plagued with injury and major setbacks. I have been fighting to push through, to not let my ego or sense of pride get in the way, but instead of getting better, instead of FEELING better, physically, mentally, and emotionally, I have only been getting worse. My shoulders and hips have really gone through the ringer, and while my issues are more likely being caused by sitting at a desk with poor posture for too many hours a day, CrossFit is not making them better– but that’s not why I’m quitting.
The injuries will heal, they ARE healing, but my guilt, self-pity, and sense of loss, are not. So it’s time for change. Part of being strong and taking care of myself means making tough decisions, and let me tell you, this is one of the toughest I’ve had to make in years.
Letting go of CrossFit feels like letting go of my identity. People know me as the girl who can do a pull up, but the truth is, I haven’t even come close to doing a pull-up since just after that picture was taken, due to a nasty shoulder injury. People have followed me hoping to be inspired by my improvements in the box, with things like jumping. They are impressed with my strength and skill and overall badass-ed-ness that comes with carrying the title of “CrossFitter” and I guess, they should be. I have come a LONG way since stepping into the box at 235 lbs unable to do a single push up, air squat, or jog for 30 seconds. The “CrossFitter” badge is one that I have worn proudly, one that has opened many doors for me, one that I will keep close forever, but as much as those assets are part of who I am, “CrossFit” does not define me.
Part of being strong is knowing when it’s time for change, and it’s time.
So what’s my plan? Well, I’ll tell you!
I’m going to do all the things that my now strong and capable body CAN do, thanks to CrossFit! Now that I don’t feel obligated to go to the box, I’m going to spend that hour per day doing something else I enjoy. I’m going to do things that I’ve talked about doing but couldn’t fit in. I’m going to ride my bike more often. I’m going to take dance lessons. I’m going to do yoga and workout at home, or wherever I am (since I’ve been traveling A LOT lately!). I am going to do GYMNASTICS! I’m going to do whatever makes me happy, what works for me whenever and whatever that is, depending on the day.
And I’m also going to train for the Olympics because as you can tell by this video, I’m almost halfway there…
I’m excited for this new chapter and I’m looking forward to trying new things. Today, I’m going to a hardcore yoga class where I plan to do a headstand, just because I can. Tomorrow, I don’t know, maybe I’ll just do a workout at home, like this four minute full body tabata! Who knows? What I do know, is that I will continue to get FASTER, STRONGER, BETTER! I continue to MAKE PROGRESS! And I can’t wait to see what’s next!
How about you? Are you loving your fitness plan?
If you are fighting yourself to stick to a workout plan or schedule that’s not working for YOU, I urge you to take a break, try something new, and give yourself the physical and mental break that you and your body need to keep improving.
Oh! And maybe now Jillian Michaels will share my story! Hahahahaha! Just remember, I always reserve the right to change my mind. So even though I’m quitting CrossFit for now, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily forever.
Peace out, homies.

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[…] also quit CrossFit back in November because I was such an emotional mess. Remember that? Yeah, that happened too. […]
[…] come November everything changed. First of all, due to being totes emo and feeling defeated, I quit the love of my life: CrossFit. Next up, Brett and I went to San Francisco for 10 days, where I gained my typical 7-8lbs of travel […]