The I'mperfect Life Method
Mindset +Habits
for more self-love and better self-care

An I'mperfect Life Mindset is knowing...
There's only one of each of us in this whole world.
We deserve unconditional love.
We only get one body.
We must do our best to take care of ourselves and our bodies.
There are things about our bodies that we cannot change.
Improvement is possible.
We're allowed to be exactly as we are.
Shame is not a good motivator.
Perfection is never necessary.
Self-Improvement with Self-Compassion
Use this process when working to establish new habits.

Say, "I’m sorry” to yourself when you let yourself down. It may seem weird, since it's probably not something you were taught to do as a child, but apologizing is the first thing you must do if you want to be able to let go and move forward. Beating yourself up will not result in improvement.
Be Curious
Instead of using self-judgement to beat yourself up about the “problem”, be curious about what’s going on. Curiosity allows us to get out of our own way and see things from a new perspective.
Seek Solutions
In order to create change and self-improvement you need to stop focusing on the problem and start seeking solutions. Sometimes the solution is something simple that you can create on our own. Other times, you may need help. Ask for help when you need it.
Don’t beat yourself up for not being able change or improve immediately, it takes practice. With time and patience (and using this method on repeat) you’ll get there…or maybe you won’t. (see the next step)
Repeat and Adapt
Repeat this process over and over again, and adapt as needed. Understand that sometimes your solutions won't work for you, and that's okay. You're allowed to change your mind. Life is full of curve balls and it doesn’t come with a handbook. It's what you do next that matters most.
To expect perfection, is to create failure.
Practice these 5 Habits Every Day

Practice deep breathing. Get fresh air every day. Avoid pollutants as much as possible.

Practice deep breathing. Get fresh air every day. Avoid pollutants as much as possible.

Start and end your day with a glass of water. Drink water throughout the day. Reduce caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

Start and end your day with a glass of water. Drink water throughout the day. Reduce caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

Aim for at least 5 fruits and/or vegetables every day. Eat protein at every meal and snack. Be present and enjoy your food.

Aim for at least 5 fruits and/or vegetables every day. Eat protein at every meal and snack. Be present and enjoy your food.

Try to get at least 7 hours of quality sleep every night. Take rest days and be mindful when relaxing.

Try to get at least 7 hours of quality sleep every night. Take rest days and be mindful when relaxing.

Protect your body from harm. Exercise to keep it strong, capable and to prevent injuries. Wear sun protection, get medical attention when needed and don't give up when you don't get answers, stay safe.

Protect your body from harm. Exercise to keep it strong, capable and to prevent injuries. Wear sun protection, get medical attention when needed and don't give up when you don't get answers, stay safe.