I’ve moved 19 times in my adult life between four different states and I’m itching to move again.
I’ve been married and divorced …and married again. I have been a foster mom and am now a mom-mom, to two beautiful boys.
I’ve been a professional photographer, actress, administrative assistant, an ad executive, a preschool teacher, a private nanny, a software sales executive, and most recently, a small business owner…welcome to I’mperfect Life, LLC!
I’ve been a Catholic, a Born Again Christian, “spiritual but not religious” agnostic and atheist.
These days I consider myself a Happy Secular Humanist who focuses on living a life that promotes physical, mental, and emotional health and happiness in myself and others. I am accepting and appreciative of all religions, cultures, genders, and sexual orientation without discrimination because diversity is what makes us special.
I’ve spent countless hours of my life that I will never get back trying to find my keys, my glasses and my phone. I have had an unreasonable number of jobs trying to find the right fit, never quite feeling fulfilled. When there is a water shortage it will most likely be because I have rewashed too many loads of laundry that sat in the washer for so long that they got mildewy.
I’m late for EVERYTHING! This is not an exaggeration. Just ask any one of my friends or family members.
My house, my car, my office and my yard are always in need of some serious attention. I make bad decisions. My teeth are crooked, my ass is large. And as much as I’d like think I am a big picture kind of girl, I’m not. I get stuck on the details, details which are rarely of much importance.
Having a linear conversation with me is like herding cats, my husband will tell you all about it.
I love trying new things. I’m honest…always. I’m forgiving. I’m well rounded.
I’m curious. I’m interesting. I’m hilarious. I’m a team player. I’m a leader. I’m a nurturer and a problem solver. I’m creative and talented. I never meet a stranger. I’m super easy-going. I have a magnetic personality. I’m a free spirit. I make many good decisions. I’m good in crisis situations. I’m a great friend and a Toltec warrior. (Go read the Four Agreements right now if you don’t know what that is!)
I am an actress, singer, photographer, writer and adventurer. I love food and all things food related. I’m married to a wonderful, patient man who loves me just the way I am. My life is a constant work in progress; most recently learning to find balance between being a mom and being all of the other things that make me, me. And I’m always finding ways to be happier, healthier and more full-filled in the one and only I’mperfect Life I’ve got!
It’s no secret that I’m a mess. I have it far-less together than a 40 something career-woman, wife, homeowner and mother to two kids should. But I’m learning to accept my weaknesses and embrace my strengths; finding balance and realizing that I’m okay just the way I am.
I hope you will join me and live your I’mperfect Life, too!

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Thank you! <3
This is why I love you and your advice, it’s real and realistic and you aren’t afraid to share the ups and downs of living an i’mperfect life. It really helps others to feel more comfortable in their own journey. And we could totally be BFFs! If only you lived closer!
Aw! Thank you so much! At least we have Facebook! <3 🙂