Today ends my fifth week of Crossfit…it should be the end of my sixth week but last week I was at the beach with my family and well…didn’t do crossfit or much of anything for that matter.

On my last day of CF prior to leaving for the beach, I was feeling like a million bucks.  I had punished almost half a mile, I had steadily increased the amount of weight I was lifting and I was feeling stronger, leaner, and smaller.  Today, exactly two weeks later I feel like I’m starting all over, from the VERY beginning.  I’m having trouble running even 200 meters and 400 is out of the question.  My body hurts, my lungs hurt, my heart rate is through the roof…I feel like I weigh 325lbs again.  I feel weak. I feel ANGRY!

I don’t want to dwell on how awful this week has been because I don’t want to focus on the negative but it does serve as a VERY IMPORTANT reminder to NEVER  eat crap and do virtually nothing on vacation again and expect those gluttonous, sloth-like behaviors to not have an effect on my health.  LE- ESS- ON LEARNED!

I don’t have any pictures this week. Sorry! But I DID do a cartwheel (actually I did lots of them) on the beach last week. a

it’s not going to get easier and I’m not going to get better unless I keep doing it.

What are your regrets, advice, goals or accomplishments?