Day 15. You’d think things would be winding down a bit by now, no?
What I thought was coming to an end yesterday morning decided to rear it’s ugly head last night, leaving me to wake up, in well, a puddle.
I know this is disgusting, but it’s true. And it’s all part of this BS that I’m going through with my body. So, YES! This is going to be one of those “bi-polar” days, and not the manic kind, more of the pissed off, frustrated, laundry doing, hydrogen-peroxiding, SEVERAL trips to the bathroom, multiple pairs of underwear, towel-sitting, no pants-wearing (cause it’s futile) kind of day.
While I’m at it, I think I’ll feel sorry for myself for a little too.
What can feel so hopeful one day can feel disastrous the next.
God I wish my laundry wasn’t in the basement!