I have been getting lots of questions so here’s a quick FAQ page for you!
Q) Do I have to do TEN races in order to participate?
A) NO! In fact you don’t have to do ANY races in order to participate in this challenge!
Remember, this is a Physical Fitness Challenge! There are other ways to be physically fit! That’s what this is about! Set your own fitness goals and make them happen!
Q) How do I qualify for a medal?
A) In order to receive the medal you must do 10 of something or any combinations of somethings– goals that you set for yourself. I will be doing some 5ks, some mud runs, a few triathlons, a crossfit competion (or two) and maybe even a Zumbathon!
They don’t have to be competitive sports. Remember, the only one you’re competing against is your(former)self!
Q) Can I count races or activities that I’ve already done this year?
A) Yes! As long they have taken place since January 1, 2014, you can most definitely count them!
Q) I have never done a race, so how can I do TEN?
A) First, remember that you don’t have to do races, but if that’s the goal you set for yourself then the simple answer is, just sign up and do them!
Remember! You do not need to be a runner to do ANY race! I do run/walk intervals when I do races and there are always people who walk the entire thing. This is about challenging yourself. You may decide you want to do ten 5Ks this year. Your first one might take you over an hour to complete, but guess what? Your tenth one is going to be much faster! THAT’S that point of this challenge!
Q) Can I just get one of those sweet t-shirts without signing up for the challenge?
A) Unfortunately pre-sales for shirts is closed.
Q) When will I get my shirt?
A) I will be putting together a bulk order on June 3rd and plan to ship them out (providing there are no hiccups with the screen printing company) before June 15th. My hope is that you will have yours in your hand no later than July1st!
Q) If I sign up but don’t complete the challenge do I still get a medal?
A) Would you want a medal that you didn’t earn? I didn’t think so! I promise that you can come up with 10 challenges! Maybe you challenge yourself to 1,000 sit-ups in one day, or get 1,000 minutes of exercise in one month or do 1,000 burpees in 2014. You can certainly come up with 10 things that will keep you on track!
Q) When will I get my medal?
A) I won’t be ordering the medals until July so if you complete the challenge before then you may have to wait a bit but I will mail yours as soon as I have them in my hands! Otherwise, I will send you your medal as soon as you complete your challenge!
Q) How can I afford to do so many races?
A) Besides not having to do 10 races, there are almost always volunteer opportunities at race events that can earn you a free race registration. Don’t let money be a factor. Check with your local parks and rec, they probably have inexpensive 5ks and fun runs for less than $25.00.
Q) How will I find the TIME to do TEN activities?
A) Well you make the time. If it’s 5Ks that you choose to do they will likely take you a total 20 hours this year. From the time you arrive at the race until you finish, you’re looking at about 2 hours. Can you set aside 2 hours a month to get your race on? That’s what I thought! 😀 Many races are family friendly and offer activities for kids to participate in while you’re off being awesome. Others allow strollers and encourage family participation so get your whole family involved! Don’t make excuses. You hear me?!?! <3
Q) Where do I find races and OTHER organized physical fitness activity registrations?
A) Contact local running stores, gyms and other fitness related businesses and sign up for newsletters from active.com
Got more questions? Comment below and I’ll answer them ASAP!
One final comment from me! I did my first race ever not being able to runnish for more than 30 seconds. It was a 5k mud run and it took me 1 hour and 41 minutes to complete it. It was HARD! But it showed me what I was capable of and made me want to improve.
Six months later I did my second race, the Sparatan for which I trained (that’s how I got into Crossfit) and took on a 13 Races in 2013 Challenge. That challenge motivated me to want to do more. It kept me focused, held me accountable and ended with me finishing 19 races in 2013! I don’t expect you do 19 races but I do want you to find that motivation, focus and ultimate success in proving to yourself just how badass you are!
We never regret accomplishing our goals, but often regret never trying.

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[…] Got questions? Check out the FAQ page HERE! […]