I hosted a Diet Bet game recently and I did not “win.”
I thought I was ready. I thought my body would be willing to start parting with the excess fat it stored during my pregnancy. I thought if I counted my calories and got back to exercising and focused on protein and veggies with limited starches and some fat that I would be able to drop these extra 30lbs I’ve been carrying since I got pregnant. I mean, that’s what I did before and it worked so it would makes sense that I could just snap my fingers and do it again, right?
As it turns out, neither my body nor my brain are ready to do any such thing and so my weight stayed exactly the same for four weeks: 212lbs.
Being a new mom and breastfeeding exclusively means lots of changes in my life and body right now. I am neither ashamed nor disappointed in that. Sure I miss my super fit, super strong, super cute-in-a pair-of-jeans, “Ugly Body,” but that’s not where I am in my life right now, and that’s okay.
I love myself as much as ever and am grateful for my body.
It has given me a beautiful baby and provides me with the strength and endurance to live a full and active life, despite number on the scale…or the increased size of my jeans!
Sure, I’d like to lose this baby weight sooner rather than later, but for now, I’m working with what I’ve got.
I’m not eating the way I would if I was in “weight loss” mode because that seems impossible right now, unless I want to be completely miserable and potentially compromise my milk supply.
My body needs quick acting fuel right now (carbohydrates) in order to sustain my life and my baby’s life. It lets me know this by tempting me with gnawing off my wrists if I don’t get food (typically starch and fat) in my stomach within 15 minutes of nursing…I eat a lot of peanut butter sandwiches these days!
In the meantime, I’m back in the box (CrossFit) attempting to get in 3 workouts per week because despite my current diet I still love the feeling of good workout! (Rule #3 for Living an I’mperfect Life) Of course this varies based on my ability to time things just right in order for us (baby and me) to get out of the house on time but I’m doing my (current) best (Following Rule #10 for living a happy, healthy, I’mperfect Life) because time management is not one of my strengths!
Really, I’m following ALL 12 of the rules…because THEY ARE THE RULES! But without rule number 10 I’d be left feeling like I was failing. Which, when living an I’mperfect Life, “failure” is never even in question.
Are you following the rules? wink, wink, nudge, nudge!
It feels great to be back in the box; feeling strong is the best feeling in the world! And although I hardly feel as strong as I did this time last year, I know that the only way to get faster, stronger, better is to keep doing it. Not to mention, working out is helping me reconnect with my postpartum body by moving, pushing, sweating, breathing and getting my blood pumping. If feels amazing– even when it’s hard. Let’s be honest, sometimes it just totally sucks…in a good way!?
Anyway, the Diet Bet was a great experience despite not winning, myself. Seeing others who were proud of themselves whether or not they met their goal made me happy and it gave me an opportunity to introduce new people the the I’mperfect Life Philosophy and Rules for Living a Happy, Healthy I’mperfect Life!
Find joy where you are and get excited about where you’re going!
I know I am!

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Thank you for writing this, Andrea. I had my first baby in March and over the course of the last couple years, I’ve gone up from 140ish to 220ish at the end of my pregnancy. Needless to say, I’ve been disappointed in myself, for having “let myself go” – AGAIN – for the umpteenth time so far in my life. I’ve lost some of the weight so far but sticking to a diet is HARD! I get discouraged so easily. We got gym equipment for our house so we can work out at home, and I haven’t been using it! We are signed up to do a Half Tough Mudder in September (we’ve done two together so far) and I really need encouragement! Anyway, it’s encouraging to read about your struggle with losing baby weight and still loving yourself. I wish I could do that!