In August of 2022 I shut everything down and didn’t look back (until now) after life shook me in ways I wasn’t prepared for.
If you’ve followed me on FB or IG for a while, you may have seen the posts I shared last year about how I was struggling and didn’t know why.
I suspected it was post-covid induced brain-fog or depression, a hormonal imbalance, perimenopause, or a vitamin deficiency.
I was in and out of my doctor’s office multiple times during 2023 trying to figure out why I felt so foreign in my own mind and body, but everything checked out “normal”.
Then I got a mysterious month-long episode of constipation in March of 2023, remember that?
I became concerned that I had colon or ovarian cancer. (Please don’t ignore changes in your bowel movements! It’s one of the the first symptoms of both.)
More doctor’s visits.

In April, I went to my Gynecologist who ended up finding a non-cancerous polyp in my uterus, which I ended up having removed in October. She also place a low progesterone IUD to help avoid future polyps. Hopefully, that won’t happen again!
The polyp had nothing to do with the constipation, which resolved itself on its own, and was likely induced by stress. Yay stress! Ha.
Then, suddenly I gained 17 pounds between April and September, probably also caused by stress due to increased cortisol levels.
After having a 20 minute sob-fest in my doctor’s office, telling him that I felt like I could barely function, he asked if I was exercising– thinking the serotonin boost would help.
I told him that was one of my problems.
Even though I had exercised regularly for over 12 years, I couldn’t get myself to do anything beyond my daily household and parenting responsibilities. I was still active with my kids, but intentional exercise (AKA CrossFit) wasn’t happening.
His response, “Let’s try Lexapro for six months and see how you feel.” (I love my doctor!)
I started taking Lexapro in mid September and the weight gain stopped. I assume that’s because my mood stabilized, likely reducing the cortisol.
Hooray for modern medicine!
So here we are, almost a year later feeling more like myself and getting back to business.
Life is full of ups and downs, swings and roundabouts, ebbs and flows…you get it. Haha.
There will always be challenges, but there are (almost) always solutions.
Don’t give up.
If you need help, I got you! Problem solving is what we do in my hybrid coaching program, EVOLve. Learn more by clicking HERE. <3