I typically blog when I am feeling good and proud but I also try to blog when things aren’t so great too. They can’t all be puppy dogs and rainbows…
I am currently missing the honeymoon period of Gastric Bypass Surgery. I felt so in control, it was a feeling I’d never felt before. Now that I am 18 months post op all those old feelings, temptations, struggles are back. I have to choose to make the right decisions every minute.
Take this weekend for example. I was stuck in a cabin in the woods from Thursday until Tuesday (mom’s car broke down Sunday) surrounded by foods I do not keep at home and all I did for SIX days was eat and except for the ropes course on Sunday, I haven’t done a lick of exercise.
I was perfectly capable of going for a walk but I didn’t. I could have done some squats or the AB challenge…but I didn’t. I sat on my computer, ate chips and cookies and muffins and crackers and chocolates and fudge and wished I could be at home in my normal routine. I think a lot of that is that I was with my family and that is what we’ve always done. That’s how I grew up, sitting around eating. So that felt like normal. It’s crazy and scary how easily I am sucked back into old ways.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not blaming my family for the “bad foods”. I took plenty of it myself- peanut butter stuffed pretzels are one of my favorite vacation foods. I also took chips and salsa and I bought a 1/2 of fudge and a box of chocolates during our little outing on Saturday. Nothing low carb about any of that! I typically avoid wheat. I know it makes me feel swollen and tight yet I’ve been eating it. I typically go to Crossfit 4-6 times per week. I haven’t done a lick of exercise in six days, except for the 2.5 hour ropes course I did on Sunday. I drank wine and soda and sat on my ass doing NOTHING!
I talk a lot about choices and forgiveness on my facebook page and in our facebook support group because I have come to realize that ultimately, that’s what a healthy lifestyle boils down to. I do not act like I am perfect, in fact, you may have noticed that the name of my blog is “I’mperfect Life”. Wink, wink. For the most part, I make choices I feel good about however, I am not proud of the choices I made this weekend… but I am forgiving myself. I do wish that I had better life-skills to deal with situations like this but I guess old habits are hard to break.
My point is that lifestyle changes ultimately come down to making the right choices and sticking with it. I made poor choices this weekend; I am not proud of them but today I got my ass up, had my protein shake, went to Crossfit, came home had my bacon and eggs…knowing that I AM IN CONTROL. That’s the difference between my mindset now and my mindset 2 years ago.
This past weekend’s ridiculousness does not mean that I have failed. Even though the scale was up two pounds this morning, that doesn’t even mean I have to start over. It just means that I need to get back on track today…DONE!

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[…] going to eat it anyway. This was proven two weeks ago and documented for all eternity right here! That’s because according to the definition of “Willpower” I have none. I […]
Right on Sistah! Get right back up and do it! You know what to do and you are doing it!! It is a big difference. Slip and get right up. No staying down.
That’s the difference between life before surgery and postop. You know to forgive yourself and get right back on track. You’ll be down those 2 pds + more soon enough. Go get em girl!