I’ve been working diligently on completing the first draft of the IPL Cook Once Eat Most of the Week Cookbook (working title) — the food prep and eating plan that I use to lose and maintain my weight (when life isn’t getting in the way!). Yes! It’s REALLY HAPPENING!

So here is a VERY QUICK UPDATE to last week’s post when I told you about how I’m not Not Starting Over, I’m Making Progress!

1) I’m now down 15 of the 20lbs I had gained and feeling SO much better in my clothes AND in my own skin! I couldn’t believe how foreign my body felt with those extra 20bls! Hard to believe since 328lbs used to feel so normal.

2) I am SO close to being able to do a push-up again! SO. CLOSE!

I have gone up in weight on my dumbbell floor presses and have consistently been able to knock out 3 sets of 15, so YAY!

3) I’m really working hard on good posture and not being too sedentary (AKA sitting at my desk too long– especially while writing this book!) And I had some soft tissue manipulation work done on Thursday which helped immensely!

4) I’ll be in Phoenix late February/early March! So I’m working on creating and IPL meet up! Keep an eye on Facebook for that…and also be sure to subscribe to my email newsletter (if you don’t already) because I’ll send an email with info there too!

5) There’s only THIRTY SIX HOURS LEFT to register for this year’s Making Progress Lifestyle Challenge or to order an awesome IPL technical tee! So don’t wait!

I hope you’re finding ways to make progress: eating real food, doing real fitness, living real life!