Let’s get straight to the point. Over the last couple of months I gained 19.8lbs. Yeah, pretty much 20 L.B.’s! I knew I was up about 15lbs a couple of weeks ago, just before the miscarriage, but when I stepped on the scale last Wednesday (seven days ago) and saw 188.8 on the scale and I was shocked!
188.8 is basically 20 pounds away from my comfortable weight of 169lbs– the weight that I have maintained for over a year. It’s the weight that I was when I posted those pictures of my the 10+ Reasons I Love My Ugly Body. It’s the weight I was when I was finally able to do all of those crazy things I never thought I’d be able to do…but then, life happened.
Let me backtrack just a little to catch you up in case you’re new here. The last seven months or so have been…difficult. I suffered an overuse/stress injury on my left shoulder at the end of last May which lasted about three months, only to be followed by a similar issue with my right shoulder in September. That was followed by some weird hip issue that sucked the life out of me in October, all of which led to me feeling totes emo and super defeated.
These physical issues were coupled with LOTS of travel over the summer months which had me gaining and losing the same 7-8lbs over and over again. That part was no biggie. I had my system in place, and I was consistently able to “nip that shit in the bud” every time those pesky 7-8lbs crept on. They’d typically last less than a week and then they’d be gone again. I felt in control.
However, come November everything changed. First of all, due to being totes emo and feeling defeated, I quit the love of my life: CrossFit. Next up, Brett and I went to San Francisco for 10 days, where I gained my typical 7-8lbs of travel weight. You know, those ones that would last about a week before I nipped that shit in the bud and was back to my comfy 169lbs? Yeah, those, but this time, instead of coming home and getting right back to my “home habits” I continued over indulging, AKA eating out almost every meal.
You see, we were doing home renovations and everything was a mess and so we HAD to eat out all the time…Excuse #1. And then you see, it was Thanksgiving, and well, we were in the full swing of the holidays, and well, there were lots of parties and…Excuse #2. THEN we went to Phoenix to take care of our niece and nephew because my brother-in-law was in the ICU…Excuse #3. Then of course it was Christmas…Excuse #4. Oh and THEN I found out I was pregnant…Excuse #5. Then my sister was in the hospital for that one week…Excuse #6. Then there was that unnerving ultrasound…#7. (You can catch up on all of that HERE) And THEN I had a miscarriage…Excuse #472!
While I’m sure some of that gain, a very small percentage, was related to the pregnancy, the rest was all me and my choices, for which I take full responsibility.
I CHOSE to eat Pollo Fundido at the best Mexican restaurant in the world while we were in Phoenix. I am responsible for the multiple Cheddar Bo Biscuits that I ate out of convenience or just because they sounded good over the few weeks that I was pregnant. I recognize that we ordered pizza too often because it was easy, and that we had decadent desserts whenever they were available, and snacked our way through New Year’s Eve and pretty much every other weekend between then and now because…excuses.
I made those choices because I did not feel in control. My entire life felt completely out of control, and it kind of was. Being out of town unexpectedly, while dealing with two family emergencies, the holidays, an “Am I or am I Not?” pregnancy and ultimate miscarriage. It was a rough few months. Sure I could have handled them differently, and yes, I probably should have, but in those moments, when my life felt out of control, I lost control of everything.
Recognizing that our “best” changes from moment to moment (per my favorite book, The Four Agreements) I did the best I could in those moments. It certainly wasn’t my usual best, or even my sometimes best, but it was the best I had in me at that time.
I hesitate to say that things seem to be calming down, because who knows what’s next. But I will say that I am feeling much more in control these last few days. Stepping on that scale last week was a great reminder of how I got to 328lbs not so long ago– by feeling out of control and making excuses to indulge more and move less. It also reminded me that I have worked hard to establish habits that allow me to live the life I’m living. Those habits that are based on the RULES that I made for myself back when I created I’mperfect Life.
Rule number one: Forgive yourself when you don’t meet your expectations.
So here I am 7 days from the day I stepped on that scale, already 12 pounds down. I’m 7 days from seeing a number that reminded me of where I’ve been and where I want to be. I forgave myself instantly. Then I went to the store, stocked up on the foods that nourish me and allow me to live the life I love, and I promised myself that I’d get my ass back in the gym (box) on Monday, February 2nd because THAT’S what motivates me.
I made it to the box yesterday and although it felt great, boy oh boy do I have A LOT of work to do to get back to where I was and even more to get where I want to be! It’s not going to be easy, but it will be worth it.
I know it sounds crazy that making those three simple changes allowed me to drop 12 pounds in 7 days. But it’s true. Of course, most of that is water weight (proven by the fact that I’ve been peeing my brains out) but that doesn’t matter. Had I not TAKEN CONTROL and reinstituted MY RULES, those 12lbs of water would still be there today, plus a few more…and also more fat. So instead of dismissing it as “just water weight” I’m celebrating it as “regaining control” and “making progress!”
Now the hardest work comes. Finding the balance between burning this excess fat and building back all of the muscle that I’ve lost. It’s going to be an interesting few months that I’m sure will be full of ups and down and lots of plateaus!
I hope you’ll stick around, some good posts are surely coming your way!
How about you? Are you dealing with weight gain that you want to lose? Do you have a plan in place? Need some help? Here’s a post about what I am eating and how I prepare my meals! And if you need more motivation, consider signing up for the 2015 I’mperfect Life Making Progress Challenge! Registration closes February 15th! Get detail HERE!

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And sorry that was so long I just started and couldn’t stop 🙂
I am also having rapid weight gaining issues, as if Tuesday I have put on 24 pounds since this time last year. It is like I am expanding hourly, I looked in mirror last night and thought where and why I was bigger than 2 days before 🙁 I have always need in the 165-173 range at 5’10, yes I know my height usually makes it seem to have room not to look heavier, but I have been told recently you have put on weight. Years ago I thought 165 I was fat what I would give to be 165. My weight has increased since feb 2015 to now. In 2012 I hurt my back have a L5S1 herniated disc and 3 &4 bulging which are still the same today and has caused pain in the left leg, I have begged to have it repaired because it puts a damper on my life due to the fact I am outdoor person and active but the medical thing is a joke now no one will help!! I have had financial problems just paying bills left no grocery money so I started eating what I call poverty foods cheap like rice type meals toast, ramen etc. My BEST friend and the only friend I had my dog max got cancer and lived one week after diagnosis and I haven’t been the same since. I am almost 48 and miserable with this body change so last night I looked up rapid weight gain and read all about menopause. This maybe the case don’t know I had partial hysterectomy few years back I have no clue if I am in menopause but don’t even know where to start or if it will ever come off. My son lost a lot of weight and had been taking CLA so I bought some and yes I seem to feel full fast but only been less than a week. So what do you eat when your limited? Exercise when you know you will have discomfort? Just depressing that this has happened and especially around my waist and stomach it’s like I see the chunky dimples and can make get several pinches of the giggle. Next Saturday I am enjoying Halloween with my son (which I haven’t seen in awhile) and last week I put together my costume but now wonder in one week if I will be able to even get in! Enjoyed reading your blog and related about the nipping it in the butt those little pounds we put on and have no problem taking off but that’s not the case now!
Hi Elizabeth, I wish I had all the answers but unfortunately I don’t. Menopause AND the hysterectomy are likely major factors in your gain, coupled with the lack of activity due to your injury and a high carb diet. Since I don’t know exactly what kind of budget you’re on it’s hard for me to make solid recommendations but I will throw out a couple of ideas.
First, regarding the exercise– you don’t need to exercise in order to lose weight, you just have to create a calorie deficit. This can be hard to do when your diet consists of overly processed foods and simple carbohydrates. Canned (or reconstituted and cooked) beans are a fantastic alternative to things like pasta and rice. They offer quality carbohydrates with lots of fiber and a good amount of protein, especially if meat is too expensive. Try to spend the majority of your food budget on veggies– fresh or frozen. Make a soup at the beginning of each week with canned beans, lots of veg and a little meat. Or some sweet potatoes with beans and ground beef and tomato sauce– like a chili.
I know it’s frustrating and I hope you are able to get the medical help you need soon. But also talk to your doctor about your hormone levels, they can play a huge roll in physical, mental and emotional health. <3
I’m from Phoenix and where did you have the best pollo fundido? Macayo’s, Garcia’s or Poncho’s? Because of there’s anywhere else I’ve been deprived all my life. But I just found your blog and I have to say thank you thank you thank you for taking the time to let us know that we are just as beautiful as the normal size 6 or the normal chubby size 16. Because I’ve had a hard time accepting myself with my saggy skin my stripes from having children and I have never been able to accept it as being me. It’s caused me myself so much hurt so much embarrassment and I’m starting to take control of the weight problem but it’s a hard process to start and stay motivated. Only because I know there’s nothing I can do without having the big bucks to change it and in this normal world I don’t have it. So I struggle daily with the stomach sag the upper thigh sag. But it takes sometimes a reality check from another normal person to open our eyes. I still have a long way to go to lose the weight I want and probably an even longer way to accept myself but I know it’s possible. And I have you to thank for opening my eyes and my mind that there’s so much more to what my body CAN do now and in future. I just need to focus stay on track and learn to love myself for what I can do. Thank you thank you.
Yes! Our bodies jobs are to keep us alive, to allow us to live the life we want to live. Their job isn’t to be “perfect” or “beautiful” –however either of those are defined. Bodies are amazing and we are lucky to have them!
The best pollo fundido is at Rio Mirage in Surprise. 🙂 TOTALLY worth the drive! Though, Carlos O’brien’s is a close second!