I posted on Facebook last week, “The problem with being a blogger is choosing what to write about when there are so many ideas swirling around in my head.” –Or something like that. Then I asked, “which would you rather hear about first, MY CURRENT FUNK AND HOW I’M DEALING WITH IT? Or WHAT DOES A PAPER TOWEL HOLDER HAVE TO DO WITH WEIGHT LOSS?
While much curiosity was piqued with the paper towel holder option (I will write about that soon), the majority of the responses requested the funk because it was relatable. I hate to hear that so many are dealing with their own funk! Know you’re not alone!
So here it is, this is my funk and how I’m dealing with it…
I forgot to mention that one of the big reasons I’m feeling funktastic is that I have been going so non-stop that I haven’t been able to do things I LOVE doing like run races and because of my stupid shoulder I haven’t been able to swim which means no triathlons for me. Those are probably actually the two biggest issues…I rambled to long about the other stuff, SORRY!

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[…] last several months have been plagued with injury and major setbacks. I have been fighting to push through, to not let my ego or sense of pride get in the way, but […]
Thank you for being real with us and reminding us that we all go through funks. At the time it may not feel like we’re learning or accomplishing anything because in the midst of those funks, it’s difficult to see the changes. But eventually we come out on the other side and look back to see that we weren’t really stagnant after all.
Sorry to hear about your shoulder/arm. Recover can be slow, but it will come!
Last fall I tore my shoulder (Didn’t go to my “regular” doctor either, of course, HA! I was NOT going to have surgery on it!). Rest, modified workouts, painful rehab with my trainer, productive (i.e., not generally pleasant) sessions with chiropractor and massage therapist. Recovery was slow, but one day 6 months later I “happened” to notice it didn’t hurt anymore. My overhead strength has been at a standstill because during those 6 months my trainer wouldn’t let me press more than an empty bar (heck, he made my use a pvc pipe then eventually a 25# bar for a few months). Once I decided it was healed, it still took some time for that shoulder to catch up to the other one and get through workout achy-ness, but it came. You’ll get there, too, Andrea. We love the push and the challenges, but sometimes we have to be reminded that life really isn’t a race. Be nice to yourself; love yourself; let others show their care for you.
Hey Andrea – Thanks for posting your video. I so know how you feel with everything going through your head and kind of feeling overwhelmed. I have been feeling like that for the past 2 weeks or so. I have committed to actually sitting down and just putting things on paper, so I can maybe have some piece of getting it out of my mind and so I don’t forget something that is important to me. I love how honest you are. Its okay to be in a funk as long as you don’t stay there and I think you know that! You have been an incredible inspiration to so many and I am so thankful I came across your blog. Maybe you could share some of your modified exercises? Perhaps you would feel better doing that? I know your followers would appreciate anything you did!!! Thanks for all you do! YOU ROCK!!!