Okay, quick post…even though I just posted a quick post like five minutes ago.
I am getting ahead of myself. I’m so excited about all this exciting stuff that I’m letting the excitement get me off course. EXCITE!
I have my first Spartan Race on March 24th– my number one fitness goal for my weight-loss journey It’s the whole reason I signed up for Crossfit. My plan this whole time was to train for the Spartan Race. I need to remember that rather than get all worked up over the whole triathlon thing.
I’ve been stressing myself out by trying to find a good training schedule that includes both…which is not impossible but is also completely necessary.
One thing at a time.
My Crossfit/Spartan Training will help me train for the triathlon; especially if I ride my bike to and from the gym and get a little swimming in here and there. Vrrrrrrrp! (That’s my best onomatopoeia for the sound of the rewind button— I just used the word onomatopoeia in real-life…I’m pretty sure it’s for the first time ever. I hope I used it right. Also, thank goodness for spell-check. See how easily I lose focus! Ugh!) I will continue my C25K training since I need that for the Spartan and if I have to wait until after the Spartan to really start swimming that’s okay too. I must stay focused!
I will however get in 13 races this year as I have signed up for the Dirt In Your Skirt 13 in ’13 Challenge so there’s that. This means I need to find 11 other races to sign up for soon! I know for sure that one will be a triathlon…you may have heard, I’m planning to do a triathlon. (Oh my god woman, shut up!) There I said it for you. Trust me, I’m tired of looking at that word and even more tired of typing it!
Anyway in addition to the Spartan I’m also signed up for the Mudmorial Dash in May which is going to be ridiculously fun! I’m also thinking of doing a Tough Mudder in September and I also want to do a Warrior Dash.
Good grief.
Okay, I think that’s all for now. Just a little reminder to help keep me in check. If you see me start rambling on about too much training and you see me losing focus please stop me immediately!
Please and thank you.
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