Yesterday I posted a video on Facebook of myself jumping onto four, 45lbs plates– the equivalent of about 12″. (WATCH HERE)
It took every ounce of courage I had to attempt it. I am vertically challenged in more ways than just my height. (5’1″)
In 2014 I managed to jump onto 6 plates (about 18″) and I filmed it for all to see, it was pretty comical. (Check it out HERE)
It’s now 2017 and after two pregnancies in one year (one brief and one almost full-term with a healthy baby!) and very minimal training (if you can even call it that!) my body is a mess. (You may have read about it in my last blog post- New Mom Struggling)
My body is still holding onto 30lbs of the 50lbs I gained, and my body composition is worse.
HOWEVER, I have not given up on getting faster, better, stronger than before…
I am still focused on making progress!
Although I’m behind where I was almost three years ago, and although I will likely be behind for a while, I’m not starting over!
Yesterday’s 12″ jump proves it.
When I first started Crossfit in 2012, about 20lbs heavier than I am now, it took me 14 months to lose 70lbs (that’s WITH weight loss surgery!) and more than TWO years to be able to jump 12″.
Today, I am 212lbs and I can jump 12″.
That proves right there that:
Despite the weight gain…
Despite the added fat…
Despite my lack of training…
My body is still much stronger than it was four years ago.
I may not like the way my body looks (it’s downright hard to look at the video from yesterday) but I am VERY PROUD of what it can still do.
And I love that I am still making progress!
This almost 40 year old body that used to weight 328lbs is faster, stronger, better than before.
It has made great amounts of progress…and will continue to do so as long as I continue to try.
I hope you’re working to make progress too!
<3 Andrea
PS: I hope to see your accomplishments this year and that I’ll be able to send YOU a medal in December!

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Keep up the good work, I’m proud of your accomplishments!! BTW-you’re beautiful!!!