Stressballs! One week to go!

Today is Tuesday, December 13th and in seven days I will go under the knife! I love how dramatic that sounds! I have been on a liquid diet for ELEVEN days! I'm so proud of myself. I thought these two weeks would be impossible but it's been pretty easy. In fact, these last couple of days I've barely had an appetite at all. I won't say that I don't miss or care about food, that would be a lie.…

The Rest of the Story

So, most of you know that the kids went back to live with their mom more than a month ago. But what I haven’t shared yet, at least publically (er...semi-publically… okay, to those very few of you who read my blog) what really happened. I have hemmed and hawed over writing this blog for several weeks now but I have to get it out. I want to be able to fall asleep at a decent hour tonight, without…

Recent Goings On

So as you know, things were going really well…and remember what I said about “jinxing” things.  Yeah, well—dot, dot, dot! I don’t REALLY believe in the power of “jinx” but my life does have a habit of kicking my ass just when I’m feeling good about things.  I don’t mean this to sound pitiful.  It’s just part of life.  The best times come from getting through the tough ones. Three days after…

Update, because it’s been a while.

I hesitate to write this blog because I worry about jinxing things.  Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds, but it’s true. Although every day is still a challenge, as I’m guessing it is in most families, we are certainly seeing huge improvements.  We are absolutely amazed at these kids and how well they are doing with daily activities.  We are perhaps even more amazed at ourselves with how…

You may have noticed…

that I haven't posted anything in almost two weeks. This lapse in posts is partially due to a lack of time, but unfortunately, it's mostly due to the struggles we've been experiencing. No one said this was going to be easy. We knew coming into all of that this that even though we had been through all of the training, had all of our inspections and meeting with social workers-- and talked it…

Learning little lessons and making progress…

So the last blog I wrote was on Tuesday night. The evening of our first full day with two new boys. It is now Friday morning and we've had three full days of two boys and just added a third child to the mix last night...their sister. We are officially the proud foster parent to three incredible children. I really wanted to write a blog Wednesday night because so much happened since I wrote…

The goings on over the last few days…

So the last blog I wrote was on Tuesday night. The evening of our first full day with two new boys. It is now Thursday night and we've had three full days of two boys and just added a third child to the mix...their sister. We are officially the proud foster parent to three incredible children. I really wanted to write a blog last night because so much happened since I wrote the one the…

False Positive

On Tuesday, December 14th, my family welcomed a new addition to the family. The cutest, sweetest baby boy- Rocco James Vickers. I was lucky enough to be there for the entire process. From induction, to the C-section decision, waiting for the surgery to be over and then FINALLY meeting him for the first time. It was the closest I've ever been to a live birth. It was truly a magical experience.…

The latest in the reproductive saga

I know, I know, it's been a long time since I mentioned anything about my reproductive organs...I'm sorry. I'm sure it's been driving you crazy not knowing how my ovaries are doing. So here's an update. First of all, the reason I haven't written about this stuff in a long time is because, well, it just hasn't been much of an issue. This is a good thing. Brett and I finished our foster…

I should also mention…

We started foster parenting classes last week and we're both really excited about the possibilities. So I just want to go on record as saying that this funk is not because my life sucks and I'm feeling sorry for myself, it's because I just feel awful, physically and it's very, very frustrating. On my way to go buy a kiddie pool. I really think that will make me feel so much better.