Not Your Average Trainer

Let's be honest, I am not your stereotypical personal trainer. I'm not cut or ripped or even within a normal BMI weight range. In fact, technically I'm obese. All of my parts jiggle, I hate running, and I'm constantly battling one ache or pain or injury or strain or some other physical ailment that requires me to modify certain movements on some (or all) days. But you know what? All of those…

There’s No Shame in Resting

I completed my first-ever 5K row on Wednesday. The last time I attempted to row 5,000 meters I couldn't finish because my left glute cramped up really bad and I ended up having to stop at 3k-- that was almost 1 year ago exactly, when ironically, I was in much better shape than I am today. Crazy no? So what was different? Let me tell you! First of all, when my coach told me that I'd be…

The Aftermath: A 20 Pound Weight Gain

Let's get straight to the point. Over the last couple of months I gained 19.8lbs. Yeah, pretty much 20 L.B.'s! I knew I was up about 15lbs a couple of weeks ago, just before the miscarriage, but when I stepped on the scale last Wednesday (seven days ago) and saw 188.8 on the scale and I was shocked! 188.8 is basically 20 pounds away from my comfortable weight of 169lbs-- the weight that I have…

I May or May Not be Pregnant…Among Other Things That Have Recently Kicked My Ass

If you follow me on Facebook you've probably seen a few posts from me over the last few weeks about family emergencies and unplanned travel and other crazy ass shit including quitting CrossFit, going back to CrossFit, having my schedule and routine go completely out of whack and gaining 10lbs, plus of course the holidays and other major stressors. In the last few months, life has really reminded…

I’m Not Giving Up

Sunday marked my third softball practice (ever) and when I left the field all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry…then cut off all my hair and quit the team.  To say it was a bad practice for me is an understatement. In conjunction with dehydration and not enough food…along with my A.D.D (for real, I have a legit DX) it was all I could do to stay focused at practice. Couple that with…

Jillian Michaels LOVES Me! But….

I received an email yesterday morning from one of my readers that said, “I'm not sure if you listen to Jillian Michaels but I listen to her podcasts every day and today she was talking about you!!”  (Shout out to Leigh-Ann for running on the treadmill AND typing on her phone at the same time—that’s talent!) Of course the only logical response was, “What!? For real? Holy shit!” Followed up a…

An Unplanned Rest Day

I took Sean Flanagan's advice this morning and did a 10min warm up even though I wasn't feeling like I had the time, focus or energy for a workout today. His advice is to commit to a 10 minute warm up on days when you don't feel like you have it in you to get in a full workout. He says that chances are, at the end of those 10 minutes you'll want to keep going and won't have just given into an…

A Huge Feat For ME!

Even though I haven't weighed 328lbs in almost three years, I still get stuck in my "fat-girl" head. I'll look at something that was once completely impossible and tell myself it still is. Whether it's looking at a pair of jeans that appear too small (even though they're my size) or avoiding a physical activity assuming that I can't do it. Jumping is one of those things; a HUGE hurdle…


No, really...stop! One of the most common questions I get is, “What kind of exercise is best if I want to lose weight?”  (AKA get skinny) Well here it is… NONE “WHAT?!  Andrea!  You LOVE exercising!  You’re a personal trainer and Crossfit junkie!  WTH!  Have you been hacked?!” Nope! Not hacked!  I just truly am not a fan of “exercise”!  For serious.  Never have been, never will be.…

10+ Reasons I Love My Ugly Body

Even though I have lost 164lbs and  I am at my doctor's goal weight... Even though I have been doing crossfit 4-5 days a week for almost 2 years and eat a very clean diet (90% of the time)... Even though I am a certified personal trainer and a Spartan, a Rugged Maniac, a Warrior and a Triathlete... This is what my body looks like (almost) naked Because of this I try very hard to stay…