Gastric Bypass (WLS) and Divorce

Though I am not looking to leave my husband I do have to admit that I wish things were different...very different.  I constantly struggle with how to "deal" with the changes that have taken place in our marriage.  I hadn't realized until about six months post-op that a majority of our relationship was based on being "bad".  We were BOTH overweight.  We BOTH liked to eat crap.  We BONDED over…

It’s time to stop thinking FAT

When I took my most recent before and now pictures I was shocked to see what I look like in photos-- my body, my fake hair!  It was all very surreal.  Even though I see myself in the mirror multiple times a day I hadn't really gotten the full picture of how much I have changed...physically.  I knew that I was smaller and stronger and that my body feels different- muscles and bones…

Race 2 of 13 in 2013

If you follow my I'mperfect Life page on facebook then you probably know about the Dirt In Your Skirt challenge in which I'm participating.  13 Races in 2013.  Today I completed my second with 11 to go! I even sported a make-shift I'mperfect Life shirt that I made this morning using a tacky iron-on logo from my printer. (I changed my pants three times and my shirt four times before leaving the…

Spartan Race Wrap Up

I feel bad for not writing this sooner but to be quite honest I was just too damned tired.  It took me three days of rest and food (including a major carb-fest on Wednesday) to recover from one of the best days of my life, but I guess better late than never, eh?   My day of days finally arrived on Sunday the 23rd and to say it was awesome is a complete understatement.  To say it was…

Insane Progress!

Lately people have been saying, "you look so good!"  And I have just been like, "ha, thanks!"  Not realizing just how much my body has changed in the recent months.  Today we took after pictures for the first time in almost five months--- I had no idea I looked THIS good! Yes, I realize there is no humility in that statement but I'm okay with it.  I've worked hard to be able to say that.…

Spartans Don’t Get Sad!

This will be one of probably a few Spartan posts to come over the next few days so brace yourself-- they're all sure to be riveting. Last night I found out that the last two of my Spartan teammates have decided to back out of the race on Sunday.  Originally, there were five of us total, now there is only me. All four have very good reasons and I completely respect their decisions.  No hard…

Getting Ahead of Myself…

Okay, quick post...even though I just posted a quick post like five minutes ago. I am getting ahead of myself.  I'm so excited about all this exciting stuff that I'm letting the excitement get me off course. EXCITE!   I have my first Spartan Race on March 24th-- my number one fitness goal for my weight-loss journey   It's the whole reason I signed up for Crossfit. My plan this whole…

Weight Loss Plateaus Happen…And They Suck

But they're not the end of the world and should NOT deter you from your goal!   If you follow me on Facebook you probably already know about the "guessing game" that's going on with my weight loss but if not:  I'm offering a prize to the person who guessed the correct date on which I FINALLY hit 199lbs.  I was at 203.6 when everyone placed their bets, that was January 10th.   The NEXT…

My Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines

These are my personal guidelines that I follow to provide some boundaries to help me live my best, happy, healthy, lifestyle.  They may not be right for everyone, but they are small steps that can be taken to help anyone get on the right path. I'm a firm believer in baby steps and think the "All or Nothing" approach is what leads us to the never-ending cycle of diet/fail/repeat. And having a set…

What a Difference a Year Makes

I have been writing this blog in my head for the past three days assuming I’d know how I’d feel today on my surgiversary.  Turns out, I had no idea that this would be what I’d be thinking… Surgiversary First of all let me tell you how much I hate that word.  It’s a common term in the Weight Loss Surgery community but for some reason it just rubs me the wrong way.  Partially because I’m not a…