Gastric Bypass Did Not Cure Me of Being Fat

In December 2013 I greeted my 2yr gastric bypass surgiversary (I still hate that stupid word) with mixed emotions. I felt successful and proud of what I had accomplished in 2013 but that sense of pride was countered with the realization that even though I THOUGHT I had it all figured out...I was wrong. TRUTH BOMB! Although I have definitely created some fantastically healthy NEW habits, I…

Fitness Challenge FAQ

I have been getting lots of questions so here's a quick FAQ page for you! Q) Do I have to do TEN races in order to participate? A) NO!    In fact you don't have to do ANY races in order to participate in this challenge! Remember, this is a Physical Fitness Challenge!  There are other ways to be physically fit! That's what this is about! Set your own fitness goals and make them happen!……

Why Compression Wear?

This is the stuff!  The good stuff!  It's what I wear AND what the contestants on the Biggest Loser wear!  So you know it's good! The topic of what to wear when working out comes up a lot in the I'mperfect Forum.  Between shoes and clothing, it's a hot topic.  So here's a little post about WHY we should all wear compression wear! First of all, if you haven't read my What it Feels Like to be…

Bodies Are Weird

If you've been following me for a least the last 6 months then you got to witness the "Great I'mperfect Life Weight Loss Plateau of 2013".  Remember that?  Four months of being stuck in the 180's!  It was frustrating to say the least.  Up and down, down and up, and sometimes up some more.  I played with the same ten pounds for FOUR damned months! During those four months I MOSTLY…

September Update- Lots of Ups and few Downs

It's been a while since I wrote an update so I thought I'd go ahead and do that now since there has been some exciting stuff happening here at I'mperfect Life!  September 1st was my 36th birthday (Happy Birthday to me!) and it was a start to a wild month! First of all, I've launched my I'mperfect Life Coaching website.  YAY!  I have yet to promote it as there has been so much going on and…

Plateau BROKEN!

I have been stuck in the 180's for MONTHS!  The first day I saw a 180 number was April is AUGUST THIRTIETH and it's the FIRST time I've seen a number in the 170's!  That means it's been FOUR months of going up and down within the same 10 damn pounds. If you were following me back when I was SO close to getting under 200lbs, you might remember the ridiculousness of those 33 days…

My First “Tri”!

So this past Sunday I had my first triathlon experience and let me tell you, it was nothing less than totally and completely a-freaking-mazing! If you've been following me for a while you know that this has been on my list of things to do.  I decided back in January that it was going to happen this year and set my mind to making it happen.  Now I say that like I actually followed through on…

Bipolar Spartan Part 2 The Race

IT. WAS.  HARD!  The PA Spartan Sprint was NOT easy but a complete blast full of challenges that made it an experience to remember... The course was 5 miles, well 4.99 miles.  (I had originally thought it was only 4- wrong!) Oh and it was on a Double Black Diamond Ski Slope. Yeah. Fo' real. The first 20 minutes were probably the hardest.  My legs were burning so bad.  All I could think was,…

Willpower is Bullshit

"I just ate my willpower" Ever seen that saying?  Like in a framed piece of "art", on a t-shirt or a bumper sticker? Yeah, me too!    Willpower Definition: willpower  n 1. the ability to control oneself and determine one's actions 2. firmness of will "Willpower" I hate that word. I think it's a dumb word that should be thrown out of the dictionary. What I hate more is the…

Old Nasty Habits…You Suck!

I typically blog when I am feeling good and proud but I also try to blog when things aren't so great too.  They can't all be puppy dogs and rainbows... I am currently missing the honeymoon period of Gastric Bypass Surgery.  I felt so in control, it was a feeling I'd never felt before. Now that I am 18 months post op all those old feelings, temptations, struggles are back. I have to choose to…